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Step Inside Kylie Jenner’s House

Kylie Jenner bought a home for the fourth time in Los Angeles County. This one costs around $12 million, her third in the upscale community of Hidden Hills, California. The 13,200-square-foot Cape-Cod style mansion was built in 2015 and boasts of 11 bathrooms, 8 bedrooms, a massage room, a pool, home theatre and stunning views of the valley. Take a look at some of the best spots at Kylie Jenner’s house.

Kylie Jenner’s House

Kylie can relax in her massive swimming pool with the best views of the lush greenery. Adjoining the pool is a spa, a fire pit and a covered patio with kitchen.

Kylie Jenner’s House

The 19-year old celebrity knows that her home should be the most relaxing place on earth, probably why it has a massage room, a cinema, a wet bar and games room.

Kylie Jenner’s House

The master’s bathroom has a large steam shower, marble floors and a long vanity with mirror. It also has a sitting area and glass doors.

Kylie Jenner’s House

This is the master’s bedroom with an adjacent sitting room that has its own fireplace. On the other side is the master’s bathroom.

Kylie Jenner’s House

The main patio is perfect for outdoor entertaining for it is complete with a bar and dining table. This is only one of the four patios in the estate.

Kylie Jenner’s House

The first floor has a balcony that offers a stunning view of the luxurious estate. The spacious sitting area and the lush greens offer relaxation.

Kylie Jenner’s House

The house has an expansive kitchen with two marble islands, a pantry for additional storage and sink and a breakfast bar. This area opens onto a formal dining space.
Kylie Jenner’s House

The formal dining table sits 10 people. It has glass doors that show a good view of a terrace and stone fountain.

Kylie Jenner’s House

The house features mainly white furniture and paint. This is the lounge that has a marble fireplace. It opens up to the main patio through the sliding doors that can be retracted to offer a bigger space both indoors and outdoors.

Kylie Jenner’s House

The game room has a wet bar and pool table that’s also perfect for entertaining guests. The floor is made of hardwood.

Check Out Kendrick Lamar’s Hair Styles Through the Years

Rapper and songwriter Kendrick Lamar had been in the music industry since 2004. The Grammy Award winning artist was also included in Time’s list of most influential people back in 2016. Lamar is also admired for the trendy style of his hair. Here are some of Kendrick Lamar hair styles that he had through the years.

Kendrick Lamar’s Hair

One of the most popular haircuts of Kendrick Lamar was his high fade cut. He had lines shaven on the upper side too, making it way cooler than the regular cut.

Kendrick Lamar’s Hair

His hair grew a bit longer and the lines on the upper side are gone, but this cut still looked great on him. This made his look a little softer.

Kendrick Lamar’s Hair

The 29-year old artist also wears cap, but not completely covering his hair. There’s still a glimpse of his braids on the side.

Kendrick Lamar’s Hair

From the high fade cut, his hair grew longer and he went for the dreadlocks. Short or long hair, Lamar knows how to make it look stylish.

Kendrick Lamar’s Hair

The Humble and Bitch, Don’t Kill My Vibe singer also sported a cornrow hairstyle at one point. His hair looked well-kept with this style.

Kendrick Lamar’s Hair

Here’s another take of his cornrow hairstyle. Instead of being perfectly braided and secured, he made it a little messy and playful with this style.

Kendrick Lamar’s Hair

Aside from cap, he also accessorizes his hair with bonnet. In this image, his short dreadlocks are still showing on top while wearing one.

Kendrick Lamar’s Hair

It seems like he loves gray bonnets a lot as he’s wearing another one in this picture, although it’s darker than the previous. Plus here, his hair is cleanly tuck inside.

Kendrick Lamar’s Hair

This is one of the longest hairstyles that Kendrick Lamar had. He kept the cornrow style, but the braid is not all the way to the back.

Kendrick Lamar’s Hair

The rapper also had this hairstyle in which his hair was separated into single tiny braids. You can also see that his facial hair has grown thicker compared to the other images.

Herbert Hoover Facts – The 31st President of the United States of America

During the World War I, there was an American president who suddenly gained a reputation for his being humanitarian. This is true for Herbert Hoover. Many Herbert Hoover facts would state that he led the efforts for hunger-relief and this was one of his notable achievements. He did this towards Europe and he initiated and lead as the head of American Relief Administration. Since then, he was the first one to move into a U.S secretary post for commerce. He also spearheaded the St. Lawrence Seaway construction. The same was also true for the Hoover Dam.

In the year 1928, Hoover then became the president elected. However, eight months later, the stock market suddenly crashed. This was in 1929. This ushered the Great Depression. There were policies initiated by Hoover. However, they were not effective enough to overcome whatever economic destruction was going on and happening. This was the reason why despair took place. In 1932, he was bidding for reelection. However, he did not win anymore because of the said situation.

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Herbert Hoover was from West Branch in Iowa. His birthdate was on August 10, 1874. He was dubbed as the very first president from the Mississippi River. When Herbert was still six years old, his father passed away. Three years after this, the same also happened to her mother. With this, Hoover was only raised in the Oregon. He was taken care of by both his maternal aunt and uncle.

Ever since, Herbert was a humanitarian. When he became an adult, Hoover was found in China. This transpired when he was still in China for the Boxer Rebellion in the 1900s. This was the point when he initiated relief efforts. These were intended for trapped foreigners. Four years after this, he got to help Americans who were stranded in Europe. This was the case during the World War I. Three years after this, he got to head the Commission for Relief. This was directed towards Belgium. He helped in the procurement of food which was meant for almost 9 million Belgians. This was the result of the encroachment of massive German troops during such era.

Since Hoover was effective during the relief, he was prompted by then president Woodrow Wilson. He was appointed to be the head and leader of the Food Administration. This was the juncture when he had to divert American agricultural products to that of overseas. This was for the American troops. This served as a big help for the post-World War I. This was an opportunity for the people of Europe to be fed. Hoover was then picked by Harding to be the secretary of commerce. The role served as a driving force behind various undertakings and projects like the Hoover Dam and the St. Lawrence Seaway.

President Coolidge did not pursue another term. Hoover on the other hand was nominated by the Republican candidate in the year 1928. Since then, he ran to compete against Alfred E. Smith. Hoover won.

Facts about Tsunamis – How you can make a change

A tsunami is considered to be a series of waves from the ocean which is always brought and caused by underwater earthquake. This may also be the result of volcanic eruption and landslide. There are instances when tsunami can be generated from a giant meteor impact. The waves may even be able to reach 100 ft. This is some of facts about tsunami.

It has been recorded that 80% of tsunami took place in the Pacific Ocean. This was in the Ring of Fire. Tsunami has the ability to travel from a speed of 500 miles. There are instances when this may even reach 805 kilometers. This may occur for an hour. This may be as fast as that of a jet.

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There are many states in the United States which is at a great risk for the occurrence of tsunami. These are Alaska, Hawaii, California, Washington and Oregon. A tsunami wave is dangerous. When it is caught by any chance, it would be recommended not to swim anymore. Grabbing a floating object may be the best thing to do. This will allow the person to be carried by the current. Tsunamis may always retain the energy. This mean that they have the chance to travel across that of the ocean. This may only be of a limited energy loss.

Tsunamis can also mean harbor wave. This is what it is about in Japanese. This reflects to the history of Japan when it comes to being tsunami prone. There were researches by scientists which reflected the estimation of time when a certain tsunami may arrive. This may occur anywhere in the world and no one is exempted, really. Calculations were made for this to be perfected. The depth of the water was taken into consideration in this. The same was also true with the distance that has to be identified. This is how the earthquake may happen.

Hawaii has always been at risk when it comes to tsunami. For every year, they experience at least one. This is quite alarming for they had gone through a severe tsunami. This is traced to be happening for every seven years. The biggest tsunami transpired in Hawaii in 1946.  This was situated in the Hilo island coast. This was the incident when 30 ft waves suddenly struck the place. The rate of this was for a 500 mph.

In the year 2004, it was the Indian Ocean tsunami that brought the earthquake with energy. This was with 23,000 atomic bombs. Right after the earthquake, there were killer waves that radiated from the epicenter. This slammed the coastline of almost 11 countries. There was a final death of 283,000 recorded here.

The popularity of tsunami has been observed. This has been existing ever since and this even brought damages ever since. This dangerous disaster cannot just be ignored. This may wash out the whole city. The effects may take a lot of years to be repaired and taken care of. This is why it should be prepared against.

Foods that Fight Cancer like Barley, Beans and Broccoli

Nature has provided us with numerous foods – such as barley, beans and broccoli – that provide nutrients that assist the body in fighting cancer. These nutrients, in the form of antioxidants, phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals, and fiber, have the capability of preventing precancerous cells from degenerating into malignancy. However, if cancer has already developed, this same nutrients have the potency to delay, if not halt, cancer’s progression.

What is Cancer?

Cancer is the general term for more than one hundred diseases – named after the organ or cell type from which they grow and spread – that share a common characteristic: Abnormal cell growth that rapidly spreads as if out of control. These abnormal cells, in turn, invade other tissues. Cancerous cells spread to other parts of the body through the blood and lymph systems.

Foods that Fight Cancer

The following is a list of foods that fight cancer:

Fight Cancer with Barley

Barley is a grain whose high fiber content effectively reduces the risk of colon, rectal, pancreatic, prostate, and breast cancer. Protease inhibitors are found in barley. These inhibitors prevent cancer development by keeping carcinogenic agents from attaching to intestinal walls.

In an article entitled “Cancer and Nutrition,” which is included in the book Functional Foods & Neutraceuticals in Cancer Prevention by Ronald Ross Walton, Ph.D., Danine Fisher writes, “Barley contains coixenlide, amino acids, saccharide, and all alkaloids. Coix, a type of barley, is used for a variety of cancers but especially cancer of the breast, larynx, uterus and stomach.”

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Beans to Fight Cancer

Beans are abundant sources of cancer-fighting nutrients like protease inhibitors, lignans, phytoestrogens and fiber. Studies have shown that individuals who consume beans as part of a regular diet are less likely to develop breast cancer, or die of pancreatic cancer.

Beans as a food group includes adzuki, black beans, black-eyed peas, brown, pinto, lima, red, navy, white and kidney beans.

Broccoli Sprouts, Broccoli and other Cruciferous Vegetables to Fight Cancer

All cruciferous vegetables are rich sources of the cancer-fighting agents sulforaphane and indole-3 carbinol. Cruciferous vegetables include arugula, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, Chinese cabbage, collards, cress, daikon, kale, kohlrabi, mustard, turnip and watercress.

Sulforaphane is a phytochemical known as isothiocyanate, which has the super power in stimulating the body in fighting cancer. Sulforaphane’s capabilities are more effective as preventive measures against cancer. The cruciferous plant with the highest concentration of sulforaphane is broccoli.

Broccoli is also very rich in glucosinolates, which are very effective in fighting cancers. Studies have found that individuals consuming large amounts of broccoli regularly significantly lower the risk for colon, breast, cervical, lung, prostate, esophageal, and bladder cancer.

Cancer may be the most frightening medical condition, but with the right knowledge of which nutrients provide the best anti-cancer potentials, a diet can be developed to prevent cancer, or fight it if it has already developed.

More about Yellowstone Volcano Facts

The reality is that there are misconceptions when it comes to Yellowstone Volcano. There are comments, most especially in the social media, which can tickle most of the headlines of the blogs and newspapers. There are instances when misinformation may spread around. Knowing the facts may also occur. This is why it would be a good idea to look at various Yellowstone Volcano facts. With that idea in mind, there are misconceptions that spread regarding the system. What are these?

The Misconceptions

  1. The moment Yellowstone erupts, there will be the presence of Armageddon. This is considered to be an explosive event and is actually turned out to be a hydrothermal eruption. There is a known to be rock-hurling geyser eruption. This would sometimes be a lava flow. There is a worst-case scenario, it cannot be expected for the eruption to be that real bad – as how others would want to believe it to be. The global implications are still being thought upon. But then, it has been said that the explosion is not that high. As for the past 50 eruptions, there would be simple lava flows which can be expected in the process.
  2. There are beliefs about the Yellowstone saying that the magma chamber is always growing. This is another false alarm. There is still no evidence for this. It has not been proven yet. There are many studies about these and these are conducted by scientists who are in University of Utah. These are also by colleagues who are living in Caltech and the University of New Mexico. It has been revealed that there are various molten rocks which all appear in the frozen which is going to erupt. No evidence has been found about this as far as the increase of the surface size is concerned. This is true to every magma reservoir there is.

Of course, eruption when it comes to Yellowstone is going to take place. But then, there is still no evidence as to whether the melting is about to take place. This should feed the superepuption. But again, do not forget to consider that as far as eruption happens, the eruption may only be a non-explosive one. This is ideal for the lava flow.

  1. Yellowstone is considered to be overdue because of supereruption.

For instance, the eruption occurs, it does not have to be a really big one all the time. This is why no one should ever freak about. Everything maybe in case to case basis. Aside from this, there is no need to expect a supereruption. There are volcanic systems which do not come with multiple events. Supereruptions may somehow be spaced as far as time is concerned. That is the reason why it is not valid to calculate the recurrence of the period. This may only be of two values. There are two intervals and try to study and look at them.

  1. Yellowstone rapidly rises.

There has been a regular monitoring happening in the Yellowstone. This happened in the year 1970. It still occurs these days.